Author Archives: Petra

MRSHS Girls Win Volleyball WA Open A Grade Girls title at 2021 Schools Indoor Cup

Two teams travelled to Perth to compete in the 2021 VWA Indoor Schools Cup on [...]

“They who learn a new language acquire a new soul”

Italian Teacher Marian Grapes has gathered teachers and students from the school who speak different [...]

Year 10 Subject Selection

The Year 10 students attended information sessions about Upper School courses. The students were given [...]

Year 7 Italian – Pizzica cultural excursion

At the end of Term 2, the Year 7 Italian classes were invited to an [...]

Well done, Kit Mueller, for achieving 55 hours of community service

Kit has joined the student council at the end of last year and has participated [...]

Congratulations to Eleanor Taylor for achieving 55 hours of community service

Eleanor is a very active student councillor. She has participated in all student leadership activities [...]

Congratulations to Sara Clarke for achieving 55 hours of community service

The third student councillor that achieved 55 hours of community service this year is Sara [...]

Visit by federal Senator Dean Smith

The Politics and Law students and student councilors were treated to a fantastic opportunity to [...]

Evatt Trophy diplomacy debating competition

The Evatt Trophy Competition engaged southwest High School students in world affairs and issues through [...]

Congratulations to Mali Rosman, Community Service award

Mali Rosman is the second student councillor that achieved 55 hours of community service this [...]