Student Welfare includes the physical, intellectual, emotional and social well being of all students. While parents and families have prime responsibility for the welfare of their children, the whole school community shares some of this responsibility. At Margaret River Senior High School, Student Welfare is enhanced by the support of the Student Services Team.

MRSHS Student Services Team and staff adopts the principles of prevention and intervention. Promoting students’ self-esteem while assisting them to develop responsibility for their own behaviours serves our goal of providing a safe environment for all students.

Students also learn to be responsible for their own behaviour through a sequence known as BMIS (Behaviour Management in Schools). This system, used for certain inappropriate behaviours, is based on contracts, with a plan for behaviour change. This involves the student, teacher(s), and after an initial stage, parents.

We endeavour to provide as much support as we can for our students. We enlist the cooperation of parents and other community links such as youth workers, indigenous workers, the police and government agencies. A variety of programs are utilised on an as-required basis to assist students.

Procedures in Student Services

Daily Absences & Appointments: It is a requirement of the Education Act that all absences from school must be explained by the parent or guardian.  Please use the COMPASS app or website to notify of prior to the day of the absence, appointment or as soon as possible if your child is unwell. These notes must be dated and specify the reasons for the absence(s).

Prolonged Absence: Where students may be absent for a prolonged period of time parents should contact the school as soon as possible by COMPASS. Homework may be arranged if the absence is expected to be a week or longer. The provision of school work is a matter to be negotiated with the classroom teacher – please email them through the Compass app or through a web browser at: COMPASS –

COMPASS LOGINS – If you require a parent login or help with Compass please email

Late to School: Students are expected to begin all classes on time.  Late arrival interrupts the learning of other class members. If you arrive late to school you must sign in at Student Services.

Student Messages: Please ensure that your child knows the family arrangements for the day. As we have a large campus and over 1200 students on campus, we ask that you only call during the day to pass on a message if it is urgent.

Mobile Phones: Students must not use mobile phones at school. If they are unwell, they are to come to Student Services and the Student Service Staff will contact you.

UniformsPlease label your child’s uniform. Lost property is kept at Student Services and uncollected items are donated at the end of term.

Forgotten Lunches: Sometimes parents need to drop in lunches after school has started because they are running late. If you are able to, please drop the lunch off at Student Services and let your child know that you will do this. If there are extenuating circumstances and a student has no food at lunchtime they can come to Student Services. Students are not to go downtown for food, this is a “Duty of Care” issue.

COMPASS Learning Management System for Parents:

COMPASS access to parents is now being used in our school as a means of sharing students’ learning content and some notices with some of your child’s classes. Each parent and guardian will be given their own secure login to COMPASS.

You can access COMPASS through the Parent Links on the website or click on:

When you login to COMPASS you will be able to see information specific to your own child/ren such as:

  • The courses your child is enrolled in
  • News feed showing notices for your child
  • Your child’s timetable

If you have any difficulties accessing COMPASS please contact Petra Stene in the Library on 9757 0744 or email her at