P & C Information
Our only forms of official communication are this newsletter and the email network (that we are beginning to build up). With information about meeting and events evolving constantly if you can be part of the email network it would be so much easier. If you are not already receiving information via email please contact Robyn Fergusson on 9757 6603 (Home), 0409085323 (Mobile) or email fergyfour@bigpond.com and be added to the list.
Clearance – ongoing volunteers within the school are required to have police clearances and working with children clearances. For casual visits to the school please be sure to sign in at the front office and receive your visitor’s badge.
Contacts – thankyou to those who have put their names forward for volunteer positions. You will be contacted soon as these lists are circulated amongst the teachers and staff. Please let us know if details, availability or interests have changed.
A set allocation of funds to each of these areas has been organised to support our students in these areas. A committee has been sought to make the allocation decisions and report back to the P&C. This is a movement towards a less ad-hoc approach to such support.
One of the most significant things the P&C has contributed to student welfare over the years is the accident insurance for each and every student enrolled. Copies of the policy guidelines and claim forms are available from the Front Office and Student Services.
There is a lot of interest in having more of these through the year. These will include social influences on students, adolescent issues, internet and computer safety… along with a scheduled parent information nights for each year group about school and curriculum issues. We have some enthusiastic sub committees so let’s get behind some of these great opportunities. Remember SPA* the more opportunities to connect the better.
*Secret Parent Alliance
We have a great team of workers already within the P&C (growing all the time) so get on board and let’s make 2010 a great year for achievement and fun.
Thank you
P & C President
2013 P&C Committe
President : Kirsten Jackson
Vice President: Eve Bluntschli
Treasurer: Christine Gumpold
Secretary: Robyn Fergusson