English – GeneralTab HunterThe top student of Year 12 General English has demonstrated strong language skills and the ability to express ideas clearly and sophisticatedly. A consistent worker, Tab has excelled in all aspects of the course during Years 11 and 12. Congratulations, Tab! |
English – ATARClare LaganClare as highly developed written and oral skills and has worked consistently throughout Year 11 and 12 to produce a wide variety of excellent imaginative and expository pieces. A lateral thinker, she is capable of producing the unexpected and has developed a high level of sophistication in all aspects of the curriculum. Congratulations, Clare! |
ChemistryHannah BiddulphChemistry is a demanding subject and the top student has relished the challenge. Hannah has shown she is prepared to put in the effort required and in fact goes ‘above and beyond’ to ensure that she understands all the concepts. Hannah has maintained extremely high grades throughout the last two years and has never been afraid to ask questions or question concepts, showing that she has a very inquiring mind. It has been a joy teaching her. Congratulations, Hannah! |
PhysicsIndia StanleyThe deserving recipient of Physics award is an extremely hard worker who leaves no stone unturned in her pursuit for excellence. Congratulations, India! |
Biological ScienceSunni PardoeSunni has demonstrated an exceptional talent within this area of study. Her ability to recall fine detail and critically analyse complex and challenging concepts, coupled with her outstanding commitment toward her learning, has allowed her to gain extraordinarily high overall results which exceed all expectations. All the best in your future endeavours. Congratulations, Sunni! |
Human BiologyClare LaganClare has shown great dedication and consistent effort in learning the content of this subject and has performed exceptionally well in all facets of the examination process. Congratulations, Clare! |
SSEPMia MorganThe Senior School Engagement Program has been developed to provide creative and flexible learning opportunities. This course focuses on individual academic need and building independent learners who are self- motivated and self-disciplined. This requires a strong work ethic and dedicated commitment. This year’s recipient is a resilient young woman who displays these attributes in full measure. She has achieved excellent results in the courses undertaken over the last two years. Congratulations Mia! |
Certificate II – Outdoor RecreationTab HunterThe top student in Certificate II – Outdoor Recreation has displayed excellent application and skills within the theoretical and practical realms of navigation, hiking, camp craft, first aid and emergency response, roping, caving and canoeing. He has shown empathy for those less comfortable or skilled in these environments often taking on a mentoring role and adopting leadership strategies to facilitate better outcomes for others. Tab has been a valued member of not just this course but all Outdoor Education courses at Margaret River Senior High School. Congratulations Tab! |
Physical Education Studies – ATARDarcy O’SheaThe winner of the Year 12 ATAR Physical Education Studies Top Student award for 2016 is a conscientious and consistent student who has shown excellence in all facets of the course. Her answers in written assessment tasks are always comprehensive and well researched which is reflected in her excellent final mark and grade. Darcy chose Volleyball for her practical component and excelled not only in class, but in her mock practical examination, and throughout her time representing Margaret River Senior High School in Interschool and Community Competitions. Congratulations, Darcy! |
Physical Education Studies – GeneralKane La Fontaine-RobertsThe winner of the General Physical Education Studies Top Student Award for 2016 is a conscientious and consistent student who has shown excellence in all facets of the course. Kane has demonstrated a keen interest in all sporting contexts and actively led practical activities with a positive attitude and a high level of sportsmanship. Kane is a role model within the school community and has contributed to the Health and Physical Education learning area through his umpiring of AFL in the annual South West Winter Sports Carnival and participation in the Country Week Volleyball team. Congratulations, Kane! |
Building and Construction – GeneralTab HunterThe top student in Building and Construction has demonstrated a motivated and disciplined approach to the course at all times. He has shown himself to be an excellent problem solver, whilst also demonstrating a high level of attention to detail. It has been a delight to have taught and worked alongside him. Congratulations, Tab! |
Building and Construction – WorkplacementEli ClarkeEli has completed work placements in the Building and Construction Industry with AFOX Plumbing, Shepherds Carpentry and Blackpoint Construction. On all occasions he has been commended for his genuine interest in the Industry, his excellent work ethic and ability to work within a team. Eli will be very successful within Building and Construction and an asset to any company. Congratulations, Eli! |
Workplace LearningJordan KingJordan has been a consistently high achiever in both the Workplace Learning and Careers and Enterprise. He displays an excellent work ethic and maturity beyond his years. In the workplace Jordan has demonstrated excellent manners, is quick to pick up new skills and builds positive relationships. A positive and co-operative student who will be an asset to any employer, good luck for your future endeavours. Congratulations Jordan! |
Career and EnterpriseMegan KrugerMegan has continued to display a clear career focus and has been an exemplary model to her peers. She produces written work to a very high standard and approaches every task with maturity, dedication and a positive attitude. Megan has also completed TAFE studies with excellent results. Throughout the year she has demonstrated an outstanding understanding of work readiness and this knowledge transferred into the workplace where she completed two very successful work placements. Congratulation, Megan! |
VET Community Service AwardAugusta Margaret River ShireThis award goes to an employer that has supported the school over several years taking work experience students on their placements. This organisation often takes 8 or more students each year in two week blocks across various departments. They have continued to provide an excellent mentoring program and have provided our students with an introduction in the various industries such as ranger, administration, surveying, childcare, fitness, mechanical, landscaping and sport and recreation. Many supervisors within this organisation have provided positive and engaging experiences for our students. We really appreciate their commitment to our Workplace Learning Program and the time and support they continue to deliver. Our VET Community Service Award for 2016 goes to Gary Evershead from Augusta/Margaret River Shire |
Certificate II – BusinessAmber TowndrowThe top student in Certificate II – Business deserves recognition for her outstanding efforts over the past two years to complete 12 Units of Competency with exemplary results. At all times, she has demonstrated a mature attitude and displayed a natural aptitude towards working in a business environment. Amber has worked tirelessly in class and has developed the skills required for employment in any workplace. Congratulations, Amber! |
Certificate II – Information TechnologyDanika FoxThe top student in Certificate II – Information Technology is a conscientious student who has successfully completed all tasks to a high standard. Danika is sure to succeed in any future pathways she may choose. Congratulations, Danika! |
Computer ScienceDylan MorganDylan has been a diligent student who readily sought advice and acted upon it. He has developed his understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts and skills within the Computer Science Course. With the acceptance of the responsibility for his learning has come excellent progress in computer programming and systems analysis. Congratulations, Dylan! |
Certificate II – Rural OperationsBraden WarnkeBraden always volunteers to help out with any tasks no matter how tedious or difficult. He is a team player and demonstrates exceptional skills as a group leader. Braden is highly respected by all lecturers and peers due to his great positive attitude to work and life and as such would be an asset to any employer in the Rural Operation Industry. His reliability, honesty and great sense of humour have been appreciated by all. Congratulation, Braden! |
Design – Photography – GeneralMorgan ParryThis award recognises excellent achievement across all aspects of the Photography course. Morgan is an independent, creative student, who has demonstrated an outstanding work ethic both in the classroom and out of school. With a friendly and co-operative nature, a solid understanding of photographic principles and a dedication to achieving quality results, Morgan is a very worthy recipient. Congratulations! |
Food Science and Technology – GeneralLeah BrownThe recipient of this award deserves recognition for the outstanding effort she has made in Food Science. A positive disposition and love of food and nutrition is a reflection of her personality. Leah has produced excellent results, has been an active learner and has always volunteered her time for catering functions. Congratulations Leah! |
Materials Design and Technology – WoodWilliam HamptonWilliam has always demonstrated a respectful, committed and consistent approach to his work. He has proven his ability with excellent creativity, problem solving skills and the willingness to set challenging goals. William would be a great asset to any employer. Congratulations! |
Materials Design and Technology – MetalDivan ReineckeDivan has made outstanding progress and achieved at the highest level throughout this course. His originality, thoroughness and meticulous attention to detail during the design, development and production process has resulted in work of extremely high standard. His perseverance to strive for excellence in the finish of the completed projects is highly commendable. A mature and independent worker, he is a well-deserved recipient of the top student award in this course. Congratulations, Divan! |
Certificate III – Visual ArtMia McCarthyThe Certificate III – Visual Art and Contemporary Craft award goes to a young woman whose enthusiasm and dedication to this subject is exemplary. She has achieved outstanding results in her theory and her practical work displays sensitivity and maturity. While keeping a very busy schedule representing Australia in surfing competitions, she has still managed to approach this subject with passion. Congratulations, Mia! |
Mathematics EssentialsMegan KrugerThe top student in Mathematics Essentials has shown a highly commendable positive attitude towards her studies. Diligent and self-motivated, Megan grasps every opportunity to learn and widen the scope of her knowledge. She has consistently strived for excellence, and this award is well deserved. Congratulations, Megan! |
Mathematics ApplicationsShane HerbstThe top student in Mathematics Applications combined an excellent natural ability in the subject together with tenacity to go above and beyond expectations. Shane has sought feedback and clarification at every opportunity, which has contributed to outstanding results in all tasks. Congratulations, Shane! |
Mathematics MethodsMeisha BullMeisha has worked at the highest level and has always strived to fully understand all the concepts and was happy to challenge an explanation if she felt that it didn’t fit within her understanding of the problem. She was always happy to help other students, was a pleasure to teach and is a thoroughly deserving winner of the top student in Mathematics Methods. Congratulations, Meisha! |
Mathematics SpecialistBelinda GuestBelinda has always displayed a high level of understanding of Mathematics throughout her schooling. She has been a pleasure to teach and set herself the goal at the beginning to top the course. Belinda started strongly and through continued hard work and excellent problem solving skills she maintained her lead throughout the year. She has earnt the right to be named the top student in Mathematics Specialist. Congratulations, Belinda! |
EconomicsMeisha BullThe recipient of the award for Economics deserves to be recognised for the very mature and diligent manner in which she has approached her studies in this subject. Meisha has demonstrated commitment to success, a strong work ethic and meticulous preparation and has been rewarded with consistently excellent assessment results accordingly. The recipient of the subject award for Economics in 2016 is an outstanding young person destined for a very bright future. Congratulations, Meisha! |
Modern HistoryJack WorganThe recipient of this award deserves recognition for his sound work ethic, strong desire to succeed and the outstanding contributions he has made to all of his class work. He has been meticulous in his preparation for all assessment tasks, and has maintained a high level of academic achievement throughout the year. Jack is an outstanding example to his peers and should have a very bright future. Congratulations, Jack!
Drama – ATARIndia StanleyThe top student in ATAR Drama has achieved this goal with talent, ambition and determination to excel in every aspect of her studies. Her skills, creativity and sense of humour have entertained audience members during many school productions and arts events. This student approaches learning with excitement and tenacity and accepts guidance with gratitude. Congratulations, India! |
Dance – GeneralDarcey DillonThe top student in Dance has demonstrated an enthusiastic commitment to the program throughout her time at Margaret River Senior High School. She has produced excellent levels of technical skills, choreographic ability and leadership in the Arts. Congratulations, Darcey! |
Music – Western Art Music – ATARCallum NooneThe top student for Music has demonstrated his reliability and resilience this year. His enthusiasm uplifts students and teachers during early morning classes and his positive attitude toward his studies makes him a pleasure to teach. Callum has always been willing to go above and beyond for the music course, from performing at a high standard on the classical guitar, to jumping at the chance to perform a rap battle in front of 300 people. Congratulations, Callum! |
Rising StarChe MonseigneurThis special award acknowledges the performance skills of one of our graduating Drama students. With dedicated, focussed effort the winner of this award has achieved outstanding characterisation in our school production of Cosi and her final monologue performance. It has been a joy to watch her improve and develop as an actor. Congratulations, Che’!
Surf AcademyMia McCarthyMia has worked with great dedication and endeavour to improve her skills and technique. She has been aided by her parents, the school and the state and national bodies for the sport. She has been rewarded for her effort by competing at the World titles in the Azores Islands Portugal and finished 13th in the world. Congratulations, to our Surf Academy Surfer of the Year Mia! |
Top SportswomanMia McCarthyMia excelled in her chosen sport and has exhibited a high level of achievement in international competitions that has seen her acknowledged with this award. She demonstrates a high level of knowledge, skill and application, being a representative at Regional, State and National Competitions. She has competed in Portugal in her chosen sport where she finished 13th in the World Titles. We wish her well in her future sporting endeavours. Congratulations, Mia.
Top SportsmanLochlan PendleburyThe recipient of the Sportsman of the Year Award has excelled in his selected sport demonstrating a high level of achievement, dedication and sportsmanship to compete internationally. He has been a representative at Club, Regional and State as well as National and International Competitions. We wish him the very best for his future sporting pursuits. Congratulations, Lochlan! |
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