Library Resources for Parents

Did you know that the MRSHS library contains a large collection of books aimed at parents of teenagers?Check out the list below to see if any of these books could be of interest to you.

Thomas Armstong “In Their Own Way”
(Discovering and encouraging your Childs Personal Learning Style)

Dr David Bennet: “Growing Pains”

Michael Bernard & Darko Hajzler “You Can Do It! For Students”

Steve Biddulph: “Secrets to happy children”

Steve Biddulph: “More Secrets to happy children”

Richard Carlson: ” Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family”

Dorothy Corkhill Briggs: ” Your Child’s Self Esteem”

Edward de Bono: “Teach Your Child to Think”

Dibley: “Lets Get Motivated”

Antony Kidman: ” Family Life -Adapting to Change”

Sandy McGregor: “Student Steps to Success”

McDowell: “What I wish my parents knew about my sexuality”

Joyce Wycoff: “Mindmapping”

“Streetsmart” Urban handbook for the school leaver

“Australian Drugs Info File”