Youth Help Guides

When you want to go online:

Kids Helpline  |

Headspace  |

Youth Beyond Blue  |

Lifeline  |

Learn about well-being and relationships:

Reachout – How to deal with problems –
Headspace – Information on how to help yourself and others through difficult times –
Youth Beyond Blue –  How to deal with problems –
Child and Youth Health – Information for teenagers on physical and mental health –
Kids Helpline – Information on friendships, body image, problem solving, feelings and stress  –
Bite Back – Discover ways to amplify the good stuff in life, track your mood and share stories –
Black Dog – Information on mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder  –
Youth Friendly Doctors – Find a youth friendly doctor in your area –
Get the Facts | Information on sexual health relationships

Everybody needs a hand sometimes!  Community School Health Nurses offer a range of free and confidential services.
If you need to chat, are looking for advice or have a health issue then contact the community health nurse at your school.
Or, contact any of these services:

When you feel in crisis:

  • Mental Health Emergency Response Line (24 hr)1800 676 822
  • Lifeline WA (24 hr)    13 11 14
  • Crisis Care (24 hr)    1800 199 008
  • Kids Helpline (24 hr)    1800 55 1800
  • Beyondblue – Info Line (24hr)    1300 224 636
  • Suicide Call Back Service (24hr)    1300 659 467
  • Sexual Assault Resource Centre (S.A.R.C.)
    Crisis Line (24 hr)    (08) 9340 1828       1800 199 888
  • RuralLink (Rural Communities)    1800 552 002
  • Alcohol and Drug Info Service    1800 198 024

When you want to chat in person:

When you want a happy app:

For more information on services go to:

Youth Mental Health information:

    Youth Beyond Blue highlights issues about depression and anxiety. It provides information for young people and their parents about symptoms, treatment pathways and where help can be accessed. Also contains fact sheets and information about bullying and cyber bullying.
    Youth beyond Blue helpline 1300 224 636
  • Kids helpline 1800 55 1800
    Provides fact sheets, stories, and forums to help young people aged 14-25 to understand and explore issues around mental and physical health and wellbeing including sexuality. Information on getting help and support and building resilience is also provided. Reachout also provides fact sheets and information about bullying and cyber bullying.
    Headspace provides support and information around mental health and wellbeing for young people and their families. It aims to encourage young people to seek help early if mental health and drug and alcohol issues emerge and provides information on where and how to access help.
    Provides information and links to support options to assist in promoting mental health in children and young people aged 0-18 who have parents with a mental health problem or disorder. It also provides access to information and education resources for teachers and parents.

Information on Adolescent Sexuality:

    An interactive youth website providing information and support on sexual health and relationships for young people in WA. This site includes information about relationships, puberty, body image, sex and sexually transmitted infections.
  • www.familyplanning.wa
    WA family Planning association provide leadership in sexual and reproductive health for WA. FPWA provides sexual health services, information and training for men and women. Topics include relationships, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy.
  • Sexual Health Information Line – 1800 198 205 – Information. Advice. Straight Up or email

Information on  alcohol & drugs:

    Drug Aware provides information about drugs, where to get help, and other information that can help young people make informed decisions. It also provides information on community events for young people.
    I stay safe is a site designed for adolescents which provides information and presents issues for consideration in promotion of sexual health. The information is presented in a variety of contexts including where alcohol and drugs may be involved.
    The site provides a free professional service using text communication for anyone seeking help for their own or someone else’s drug use. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week across Australia. Information and referral options are also available.
    Tune in Not Out is a national pod cast service for young people aged 16-25. It recognises the use of alcohol and other drugs is sometimes interlinked with many aspects of a young person’s life including self-esteem, stress, education and relationships. Created by and for young people, it aims to help young people make safer decisions about alcohol and other drugs.

Learning Potential:

Learning Potential app: and Learning Potential Resources: