On Friday, 12 May, the student leaders of Margaret River SHS had the opportunity to attend the opening Main Stage event of this year’s Margaret River Readers’ and Writers’ Festival. The event, titled “The Real Cost of our Online World,” was held at the Heart and featured a thought-provoking discussion with two renowned authors, Jordan Guiao and Elfy Scott. The event was directed by writer, editor and educator Madison Godfrey. Four of our student councillors were invited to join them on stage for an insightful conversation about the impact of the digital world on our lives.
The event aimed to shed light on the often-overlooked consequences of being constantly connected to the online realm. Our student leaders engaged in discussing a wide range of topics, such as the detrimental effects of distraction, disrupted sleep patterns, exposure to online bullying, rumour spreading, the creation of unrealistic views of others’ lives, and the pressures of peer influence.
Under the spotlight, Jordan Guiao and Elfy Scott shared their expertise and personal experiences, providing valuable insights into the challenges faced by young people in today’s digital age. Jordan brought stories about the technological context of Silicon Valley to the stage, while Elfy’s contribution looked from the mental health angle at the topic. The discussion emphasised the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities and adopting responsible digital habits.
The assembled students in the audience had an opportunity to actively participate in the discussion, posing questions and sharing their own perspectives. Their involvement not only showcased their knowledge and critical thinking but also demonstrated their commitment to exploring the effects of social media on mental health and well-being.
The event commenced at 2:00 pm and continued until 3:15 pm, allowing attendees to delve deep into the complexities of our online world. It was an eye-opening experience for all those present, prompting self-reflection and sparking conversations about the role of technology in our lives.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Margaret River Readers’ and Writers’ Festival for organising this enlightening event and providing our student leaders with a platform to share their voices. Special thanks to Madison Godfrey, Jordan Guiao and Elfy Scott for their valuable insights and engaging discussion. We can be immensely proud of our student councillors for their active participation and exemplary representation of our school.
Patrick Marzohl