Lily Baker, Sasha Hughes and Jasmine Yates achieved a Student Excellence Award in the CHOOSEMATHS Competition. They were the only students from MRSHS to submit a video to awards.
“The CHOOSEMATHS Student Awards celebrate mathematical achievement, creativity and excellence in Australian schools.
The awards encourage students to get creative as they step beyond the classroom to bring their understanding of mathematics to life on film.
The aim of the competition is for students to produce a video which explains a mathematical problem, or demonstrates an application of mathematics, using clear and precise mathematical language, in a creative and entertaining way. Students compete as a team in order to foster a positive environment, giving them the opportunity to reason and work collaboratively.”
“This is the second year we have entered the Choose maths awards. It’s been a challenging and fun project using our maths and creative skills to find new and interesting ways to present maths.
This year we chose the history of innovation and use of maths to show how far we have come as a civilisation and to look to the challenges of the present and future. Climate change is one of the great challenges and concerns of our generation. We hope that our video will inspire some of our peers to choose careers in the maths and science fields to be part of the solution to this global issue.
We would like to thank the organisers and the sponsors of the Choose Maths awards for the opportunity to participate in this competition.”
Lily Baker, Sasha Hughes and Jasmine Yates
You can view the winning video here: