On Friday, the students were asked to wear free dress to celebrate our beautiful and diverse community and support the River Angels, a Margaret River community organisation that provides much needed support for our local families who are suffering through or have been impacted by cancer. This student council initiative resulted in a collection of $640. At lunchtime, Student Council coordinator Patrick Marzohl proudly handed over the money satchel to River Angels. Meanwhile, the students participated in the biggest school dance-off in the history of Margaret River SHS. Under the direction of Venezuelan-born Languages teacher Marian Grapes, over 300 students and staff members danced the Jerusalema followed by the Macarena dance. At recess, the Year 10 band under the guidance of music teacher Isabelle Lemon performed in front of a large crowd in true open-air festival style. It was a sensational culture-building day. It was great to see so many happy faces on the oval and in the gym. The Harmony Week Free Dress day raised $640 for the River Angels. What a great day it was! Thank you to all students for supporting Harmony Week and our own community.
From the student council