The excitement continues to build as Friday quickly approaches.
The arrangements for Friday the 15th at the airport will be:
- Parents and students meet with staff at 7.30 at the front of the China Southern check in counter. Staff will already be there and will be in MRSHS green jackets.
- Students will collect their passports from Angela McCoy on arrival.
- The students will be divided into groups of 13 and have their baggage checked in and receive their boarding tickets.
- Once the boarding tickets have been collected and baggage checked in we will move with the students upstairs.
Parents are most welcome to stay with their children, if they wish and we will take the last set of students through immigration at 9.30pm.
- Students who are dropped off by parents will be taken through immigration as soon as we get upstairs.
A reminder that students will be required to wear their black tour tops and have their red caps with them.
Once we arrive in China, staff will check their mobile phone for usage and we will send an e-mail to all parents with the most up to date mobile contacts on Saturday the 16th.
I hope students are getting as excited as the staff and we look forward to catching up with you all at the airport.
Angela McCoy; Martin Keen; Andrew Host and Liam Smith