Our school shone once again in the 2024 Education Perfect Languages World Championship, ranking as one of the top schools in Western Australia and 11th globally out of over 4,000 schools. Competing fiercely against top school Helena College, our students dedicated over 1,000 hours to languages including French, German, Indonesian, Chinese, Spanish, and Italian, with 150 students earning awards, multiple RRR points and Commendation Awards.
Year 8 French student Violet McKillop led as the top achiever, followed by Charlotte Haselgrove (Year 9 French) and Aimee Bosman (Year 8 Indonesian). Our school was the top in Western Australia for German and Spanish and second in French.
We will celebrate these accomplishments at a whole-school assembly later this term with trophies and medals. Certificates, canteen vouchers, and pizza lunches will be awarded this week. Congratulations to all our linguistically so talented and dedicated students!
Marian Grapes, Angela McCoy and Patrick Marzohl
Language Teachers