“The purpose of our school is to ensure that the academic, creative, social and personal potential of each student develops to the highest possible level”
Our Purpose:
To provide a high quality education based on the development of the whole person, at levels above state standards and enables students to participate in the world beyond school:
- For the whole person
- At levels above state standards
- That enables students to participate in the world beyond school.
We provide well-planned, proactive Pastoral Care programs to ensure that students feel safe, nurtured and supported; vital prerequisites for learning. The School provides intensive and personal expert support services when required. Teachers strive to recognise individuality, encourage personal excellence and provide learning relevant to each student’s future life. Meeting individual needs is our number one priority.

Our Vision:
To offer a personalised education, catering for individual student needs through specialised programs and creation of individual pathways.
To nurture, encourage and challenge our students to be active and responsible contributors to our community.
“We believe that building the leaders of tomorrow is an important focus at Margaret River Senior High School.“
To enable students to achieve success through a clear focus on Learning and Teaching both within the classroom and building teacher capacity.
To create a future focus on innovative 21st Century learning with purpose-built facilities to encompass STEM across all curriculum.
Our Values:
We embrace and celebrate diversity of people, places and beliefs.
Responsible and motivated students
As lifelong learners we will take actively engage and take responsibility for our own learning at school and beyond.
Resilient and adaptable students
We will not be discouraged by adversity. We continually challenge ourselves and embrace new opportunities so we can reach our full potential.
We provide opportunities and support each other to achieve individual and collective excellence. We want students to aspire for personal best and personal excellence.