On Tuesday the 23rd of August Drama, Events, Visual Art and English students were given an opportunity to take part in an exciting excursion offered by the organisers of this year’s 15th Cinefest Oz. 28 students visited the film studio of local filmmaker Mike Dunn. Here they completed a ninety-minute workshop using the latest digital technologies to explore making meta humans for use in animated films. Later in the day they were joined by 40 more students to attend a special screening of a new Australian film ‘6 Festivals’. This film follows the journey of three young people as they deal with a devastating diagnosis by escaping reality and attending a whirlwind of Music Festivals. With most of the filming taking place at actual film festivals ‘6 Festivals’ has been described as: ‘a moving love letter to young friendship and the life-altering power of live music’.
Following the movie students took part in a Q&A session with the film’s writer and director, Macario De Souza, and two of the movie’s producers. Our students approached this Q&A by offering excellent questions and inspiring lots of discussion about the world of music and filmmaking.