Asian Studies Workshops at Murdoch University

Asian Studies Workshops at Murdoch University On Wednesday, 22nd August forty-four of Year 9 Indonesian [...]

News from English Department

News from English Department Heather Sharpe has just joined our staff from Perth Modern School, [...]

Puppets teach in the shadows

Puppets teach in the shadows Students at Cowaramup Primary School and Margaret River Senior High [...]

Leavers crash demo

Leavers crash demo LOCAL emergency services got to demonstrate their lifesaving skills on Friday at [...]

Parent Information

PARENT INFORMATION Teenagers Parenting WA Guides The Teen set of Parenting WA Guides covers topics [...]

Parent Information


Parent Information

If you would like some information about youth mental health the following websites contain reputable, [...]

Starting Solar

STARTING SOLAR   Standing in front of the high school solar panels are Jasmina Andros, year 9, [...]

Feisty famine fighters will fuel funds

Feisty famine fighters will fuel funds The Margaret River Senior High School students will gear [...]

Feisty famine fighters will fuel funds

Feisty famine fighters will fuel funds The Margaret River Senior High School students will gear [...]